How to play responsibly at PALASINO
A visit to the casino is an opportunity for relaxation, entertainment, and socializing. Gambling games are inherently entertaining and exciting, and combined with the unique atmosphere, a visit to the casino is always a very intense experience. Gaming is fundamentally associated with risk-taking and the adrenalin and thrill of anticipating a win. Most visitors enjoy this type of entertainment without any problems and gain intense experiences.
However, there is also a small group of people who may lose control of their behavior. They may forget that gaming is a form of entertainment but can lead to various problems or even addiction.
Responsible Gaming Program at PALASINO:
We educate employees at all our casinos to assist in identifying players who may have gaming problems. We collaborate with non-profit agencies and government bodies dealing with this issue. All PALASINO casinos are connected to the central register of self-excluded players (RVO) which is managed by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. Within this system, entry into any casino is not permitted for individuals who have self-excluded or have a mandated exclusion order.
Basic rules
Please always keep in mind the "rules" of responsible and safe play:

Set maximum bet limits in advance and determine the portion of your financial resources you are willing to use for betting.
Determine the maximum amount you are willing to lose and stick to it, try not to exceed it.
Play only with your own money, never borrow money for gambling.
Utilize the option to set all self-restricting measures including bet and loss limits, frequency of play and number of casino visits.
Play only in a clear state of mind, without the influence of alcohol or other substances, and only if you don‘t see the game as a solution to personal problems.
Familiarize yourself with the rules of the games before starting to play.
Never try to win back lost money or chase your losses.
Control your behaviour during the game. Always take regular breaks when playing and fill your free time with other entertainment.Test yourself
If you feel that you are losing control of your gambling and it is no longer fun or enjoyable, try answering the following questions:
- Do I often think about gambling?
- Have I bet more than I could afford?
- Do I feel the need to bet larger amounts of money to achieve the same thrill?
- Have I ever returned to the casino repeatedly to win back lost money?
- Have I borrowed money, lied, or sold something to finance my gambling?
- Have I ever felt like I might have a gambling problem?
- Have others criticized me for my gambling or told me to stop?
- Do I feel depressed and have negative feelings when losing at gambling?
- Has gambling caused me any health problems, including stress or anxiety?
- Does gambling cause financial problems or strained relationships for me or my household?
Most problem gamblers will answer positively to at least 3 of these questions. If you need advice, please contact our staff directly or seek professional help.
Panic button
Using the PANIC BUTTON application located at the reception of each casino operated by Palasino Group, a.s, you have the option to exclude yourself from participating in gaming at our casinos for a period of 48 hours (cooling off period) or for a permanent exclusion. Alternatively, you can submit a request to be registered in the RVO (see step 1) Register of Excluded Persons maintained and managed by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic through the operator.
The PANIC BUTTON serves as a means to prevent participation in gaming in accordance with Section 16bb of Act No. 186/2016 Coll. on Gambling.
The RVO is a non-public information system within the administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, designed to prevent access of excluded individuals to gaming activities. The purpose of this register is to protect vulnerable groups of individuals from the negative consequences of gaming. Based on the information provided by Palasino Group, a.s., the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic will register your individual data in the RVO to exclude you from participating in gaming activities not only in our casinos, but in all gaming operations in the Czech Republic.

Where can you find the information kiosk with the PANIC BUTTON application?
You can find the kiosk in the reception area of the casino, marked with the PANIC BUTTON icon (as illustrated above). To complete the process of permanent registration or temporary exclusion, you will need the assistance of one of our supervisors, whom you can request at the casino reception.

Cooling off period
Exclusion for 48 hours
In order to contemplate your gaming actions by selecting the 48 hours option, this effectively provides you with a „cooling off period“. Once you complete the registration process in the kiosk app and verify your identity, you will be temporarily excluded from placing bets on all gaming activities operated by Palasino for 48 hours. We will ask you to surrender your PAC card, exchange your chips for cash, and leave the casino. We will electronically notify the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic immediately that you have utilized the means to prevent participation in gaming. After the Ministry of Finance registers you in the Register of Excluded Persons (RVO) you will not be allowed to enter the casino for 48 hours, create a user account, deposit funds into a user account, or place bets for the duration of this period.
If you provide your contact email during the process, you will receive an email confirmation from Palasino Group, a.s. regarding the submission to the RVO. This confirmation is not a confirmation of registration in the RVO but serves as an informative message only that you have completed the registration process.
After 48 hours from the activation of this exclusion, your account will be automatically reactivated, and your PAC card will be returned to you on your next visit to Palasino.
Self exclusion
Permanent entry into the register of excluded persons - RVO
Upon completing the application process and verifying your identity, we will ask you to surrender your PAC card, settle any balance if applicable, exchange chips for cash, and leave the casino. Your application will be promptly sent to the Ministry of Finance for inclusion in the register of excluded persons (RVO). After the Ministry of Finance registers you in the RVO, you will be prohibited from entering the gaming area, creating a user account, depositing funds into a user account, or placing bets through a user account with ALL operators of gambling games in the territory of the Czech Republic. If you provide your contact email address during the process, you will receive an email confirmation regarding the submission of the request to be included in the RVO. After the Ministry of Finance records the entry into the RVO, their system (which is independent) will send you a confirmation email of the recorded entry.
After the recording of a permanent entry into the RVO at your request, you may request deletion of this entry no earlier than one (1) year from the date of RVO registration.
If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact our staff, they will gladly help answer any questions.
Help and Advice
Where can I get Help and Advice?
There are various nationwide free networks for assistance to players and their loved ones.
TEL.: 0800 1 37 27 00
Siebenbrunnengasse 21/DG / 1050 Wien
Tel.: +43/1/544 13 57
E-Mail: therapie@spielsuchthilfe.at
Alle Angebote der Spielsuchthilfe sind kostenlos (sowohl für Glücksspieler/innen als auch für Angehörige Spielsüchtiger).
Rudolf-Zeller-Gasse 69, Stg. 8, Tur 10 / 1230 Wien
Hotline: +43/660/123 66 74
E-Mail: shg@anonyme-spieler.at
Mo-Fr, 8-20 Uhr. Alle Angebote sind kostenlos, vertraulich und auf Wunsch anonym.
Stockhofstrasse 9 / 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43/732/77 77 34
E-Mail: linz@schuldner-hilfe.at
Außenstellen: Rohrbach-Berg, Freistadt, Perg, Kirchdorf an der Krems.
Wagner-Jauregg-Weg 15 / 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43/50/554 62-29551
E-Mail: spielsucht.wj@gespag.at
Kostenlose und anonyme Hotlines:
0800 077 66 11, 0800 137 27 00
Fremdsprachige Angebote
Türkisch / Türkçe: 0800 326 47 62
ücretsiz ve anonim, Pazartesi saat 18-20
Çarşamba 20-22
Russisch / Русский: 0511 70 14 664 (Ortstarif)
Polnisch / Polskie: 01590 455 60 46 (Handytarif)
Arabisch / :يبرع
0173 56 53 622 (Handytarif)
Bundesweite Anlaufstelle - Die Landeskoordinierungsstellen
Glücksspielsucht (bundesweit-gegen gluecksspielsucht.de):
Edelsbergerstrasse 10/ 80686 München
Tel: +49/089/55 27 359 0
E-Mail: info@lsgbayern.de
Czech Republic
TEL.: +420 800 35 00 00
Karte der Hilfe in der Tschechischen Republik:
Online Self-Exclusion Application:
Exclusion from participation in gaming is also possible by completing an official application available on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, accompanied by your verified signature and sent to the address of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. Your registration in the registry will then be binding for all operators of gambling games in the Czech Republic.
Please find the link to the application form here:
MF - Veřejný portál (mfcr.cz)
Palasino Group, a.s.
Česká Kubice 64, 345 32 Česká Kubice
Contact Us